
Change & Choice

These past few days I have been thinking about our discussions in class regarding change and choice (free will) and I couldn't help but look up some of my favorite quotes to look share with the class.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.- Maya Angelou

The shape of our lives is defined by our insertion into institutions and systems whose interlocking power generates the "virtual reality" we experience. Such 'knowledge' is so thoroughly a part of our worldview that it simply would not occur to most people to question it. Yet underneath this reality is another, subinstitutional reality in which very different responses are simply acted out. This is the reality in which everyone, until very recently, lived.
- David Schwartz

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. -Thomas Alva Edison


dbo said...

I really like the Maya Angelou quote. Its true, if you don't like something then change it. I tell my family and friends that all the time. Sometimes they get mad because I say that to them, but I get sick and tired of their complaints and they don't do a thing about. So when they start complaining, I turn around and look at them and say "You know what? if you don't like it, then do something about it. If you're not going to do anything about it, quit complaining."

1day as a lion said...

Like dbo I often tell people the same if I could only take my own advice.

Anonymous said...

I like Edison's words... Some may think quotes are silly, but it is an effective way of learning from those who have acquired great wisdom in their lifetime.

Here are a few quotes from John Wooden,an American legend some would say, the former coach of the UCLA basketball team.

Big things are accomplished only through the perfection of minor details.

Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.

Do not permit what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

MT said...

dbo - i love what you said
eve - fantastic quotes to share
1day as a - i say that to myself all the time ; )

angela88 said...

All I can say is that I'm free to think, and feel any way I want. I don't let external energies to rule the way I feel. I feel happy living my life this way.. :)