
Welcome Spring Thinkers

You have been invited! In Farganis intro, p. 1-11, you'll read of the social conditions that gave rise to Sociology. When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, he was excited that they'd translate and get his document out to several countries within a few months.


Thank You

I would just like to say that I am so lucky to have been in this class. I learned so many new things and meet so many new people. It was intriguing to be able to share deep thoughts, conversations and ideas with such intelligent people who respect and relate to me as an individual in society. Good luck every one in your life's endeavors.


Sociology and Family Structure

Check out this video by a Sociology professor that discusses how family structures that changed and evolved into what they are seen as today. It was intersting to see and to hear a person's point of view regarding this subject. It's a little long, but in my opinion worth watching. HOPE YOU LIKE IT :)


bigger image click that one - >
What does it all mean?
We are spirits.
Here we are.
Words describe us. Do they bring us together or separate us? What do we want? What are we doing to get what we want? Click to Song

CA Supreme Court decision discussion 9AM

on Prop 8 up in 1 hour 15 min from now. LATimes background watch live now - scroll down and you'll see the Vid Also, there is a live blog under that - we can chat.



I was looking for the information on the plan for taxes and I came across a couple of things.
-Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses, cut corporate taxes for firms that invest and create jobs in the United States, and provide tax credits to reduce the cost of healthcare and to reward investments in innovation.
-Middle class families will see their taxes cut -- and no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase. The typical middle class family will receive well over $1,000 in tax relief under the Obama-Biden plan, and will pay tax rates that are 20 percent lower than they faced under President Reagan.
-Families making more than $250,000 will pay either the same or lower tax rates than they paid in the 1990s. Obama will ask the wealthiest two percent of families to give back a portion of the tax cuts they have received over the past eight years to ensure we are restoring fairness and returning to fiscal responsibility. But no family will pay higher tax rates than they would have paid in the 1990s.