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What does it all mean?
We are spirits.
Here we are.
Words describe us. Do they bring us together or separate us? What do we want? What are we doing to get what we want? Click to Song


angela88 said...

Words brought us together yesterday. That's for sure. The "yahoo" tecnique brought understanding. People listened to each other. There was a positive athmosphere in the air. I loved it. :) The picture came up pretty good. What a nice class!!!

Just Me said...

I think words can do both. They can either separate or bring people together. I think it depends on how we view what the other person is saying. If we can allow to put ourselves in the other person's shoes, we can try to have a better understanding of where they're coming from. Then maybe we wouldn't feel the need to be separated.

PEM said...

We look great.

dbo said...

I agree with Just Me. I think words can both separate or bring us together. It depends on the situation. Sometimes words can be hurtful and sometimes it can be powerful. Sometimes separation is a good thing I think. I thought this was a cute positive song that send out a great message.

Anonymous said...

I think we all want to learn and that is why we are in school. Some people say that they are just here for a degree;It is hard to believe that some people are just here for a piece of paper (diploma)that comes after a certain amount of specific courses... The process is just as imporant as the outcome! I would even go as far as to say that the learning process is more important :)

CSULA Girlie said...

I agree with the majority of the comments posted above me; however, if I have to choose whether words unite us or seperate us, I'd choose that words are our expressions that can hinder a person if words are taken seriously. For instance, when a peer tells us that our attitude is immature and not age appropriate, a person can either internalize the information and transform it into a positive outcome, or that same person can use the information to give up and no longer keep trying. I think it all depends on how information is transmitted and the tone of voice has alot to do with it as well. In order for words to be effective they have to be used in a productive manner in which it creates a harmonious atmosphere rather than instilling anger, resentment, or negativity.

avelar08 said...

I loved the yahoo idea because I actually found myself listening for things that I might agree with from the other group instead of thinking of counter arguments.

MT said...

It is good to hear the Yahoo exercise worked for at least two of you, angela88 and avelar08. thank you for saying so. I think I failed to give you the word for it. The word is EPOCHE: e-po-CHE' with the accent on the che'

notoriousnel said...

love how the picture is so diverse! make me proud to attend a school like CSULA!

pippie7 said...

It is much easier to listen then to constantly be debating an issue. I find myself listening more and appreciating others views/opinions. Thanks for the 'yahoo' exercise!

MT said...


jdean said...

I really think it's all about communication, the words we choose to use, the way we choose to speak, or are body language has such a signifigant impact on how we want to be read and understood! Cute picture!!

lovelyneni said...

Words can have very powerful impacts and they can either make us or break us. I believe it all depends on how the individual takes it. A person can either become offended and hostile or they can turn those words into a positive and make a change, whether it be externally or internally. Regardless, words are our language and language is the primary source of communication in the world and through language is how we connect to others so it really does not matter what kind of words are being said at the end of the day they still connect us to one another, one way or another.

psychodude123 said...

i think it depends on the words and how they are said, body language and tone says a lot about the intention of the words.

1day as a lion said...

I agree the yahoo excercise was a great idea.

1day as a lion said...

What a way to get everyone listening. The students in this class really provoked great discussions...oh yeah and the professor did too!

alexafro43_01 said...

When we first started the activity, I thought that we were going to be arguing back and forth. However, as we started get points scross and the other group screeming "yahoo", surprised me. I never thought about steping back and actually seing the other person's point of view. It was a great activity. Sometimes we attack and not try to see the other person's point of view and try to understand why they think or act the way they do.

Anonymous said...

I think we have been conditioned to the idea that society is driven by conflict and everything is a competition fuel by hierarchy. Therefore we are quick to rebuttal but do not practice actively listening... I am glad this exercise has made us mindful of our responses to others. More impotantly we can all see the benefits from really listening for the sake of understanding, instead of hearing for the sake of arguing

MT said...

Quoting Eve: "listening for the sake of understanding, instead of hearing for the sake of arguing." Yahoo!