
Talk about doing gender...

I also heard that the Bisu do not necessarily have to be homosexual in order to be Bisu, they just have male and female qualities in balance. I'm assuming Bisu can be either male or female, just embodying male and female traits.


MT said...

fantastic video!

spirit said...

I agree with the Bisu. When a man in in balance, he is both his achieving and his sensitive self. When a woman is in balance, she is both her incisive and her graceful self. Clearly, for an individual to move our culture forward, the individual break through constrictions set by primitive gender roles.

pippie7 said...
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pippie7 said...

Imagine, no hate crimes nor discrimination! We could learn from this short video to be accepting of others choices!

DreamWalker936 said...

I'm just wondering why there hasn't been more books or other research done on this. When I was looking on Amazon.com I found only one book referencing this group. I'm pretty sure there's mention here and there in gender studies but that's it.