

I found these two quotes by Leotard to be very interesting:
"Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold, it is and will be consumed in order to be vaporised in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange."
"One can decide that the principal role of knowledge is as an indispensable element in the functioning of society, and act in accordance with that decision, only if one has already decided that society is a giant machine."


MT said...

great way to share quotes! Let's start those discussions right here! Yes! More substantive reply later.

spirit said...

True knowledge and the expression of the feeling of true knowledge is just that: expression. Humans are of the nature that they like to celebrate and express what they see. To render it all into a crass materialism or "production", by which I think he might mean gain, is to deny the wonder of the sharing of wonder. We humans express because that is what we do.

To assume that "society" "knows" is to subjugate one's self to a machine, yes. However, it is also true that for a society to exist - for any group to exist - there is sharing of symbols. There is nothing innately "wrong" with sharing symbols, particularly if one knows that they are symbols.

angela88 said...

If we could only read and understand each other's souls without using words. What a wonderful world this could be.

spirit said...

angela88 - do you find when you are really "quiet" within and coming from heart that you kind of can read souls in that you simply know each is a soul? I.e., When I look as a soul, I see souls. When I look as an individual, I see individuals, each of whom is different from "me."