
Bomb it

Did you ever wonder why people tag ? I never knew how global graffiti was until I saw this great documentary BOMB.IT is a documentary that tells the story of graffiti. Bomb it has footage in Los Angeles, New York, Philadephia, San Francisco, Tijuajna, London, Pairs, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, Berlin, Cape Town, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo...its great. I hate to admit the taggers here are my least favorite...Im not into gang related tagging..there is no creativity... let me know what you think..


MT said...

here is a place to see a clip
I think I hear at the end of the clip a voice that says, "Actually it is quite a beautiful crime."
has anyone seen the entire movie? said...

i agree with you on the gang related tagging. there is little, if any, creativity to it. graffiti, on the other hand, is an undeniable form of art. it is elaborate and well thought out, there is complexity in it.

graffiti can also have a greater meaning. for example, have you heard of Banksy? i don't know if the film you saw mentions him but he is a well known graffiti artist from the UK. not only does he use spray-paint to send his messages but he has gone as far as leaving a life-size replica of a Guantanamo Bay detainee at Disneyland. you can check him out at

some will say that graffiti is nothing more than vandalism. is it ok to dismiss it as such? i don't think so. maybe that's the point, to create and exhibit art at a large scale that is accessible to all at no cost.

it's art for and by the people.

MT said...

nice site,
pictures are huge and take a long time to download - but great

MARPE said...

Hey I checked banksy'website. I like it..and no he is not in this film but other great artist are... check out the web
Oh and MT yes i do remember hearing that in the film. I love that.

Dals said...

Tagging and gang related tagging, who can tell exactly which one is which. I like the work of Banksy as well, but living in South Central LA, tagging is something that I detest. It makes an area look awful, and its difficult to tell which one is art and which one is gang related. The idea of Banksy is nice, but it concerns me as to where to draw a line, I am sure I would not be that happy if i had an unsolicited painting on my house.

MARPE said...

Hi I just wanted to add that I don’t subscribe to tagging and I agree it can be awful and degrading to the neighbors especially in South Central LA. however I believe its part of pop culture. I do enjoy see the graffiti that has some kind of subliminal message and o I don’t think are not gang related well, at least I would like to think they are not. In the film you will find that there is many reasons why taggers do this for but the common theme is a sense of oppression. You know after seeing that film it made me want to bomb out there maybe just for the adrenaline rush lol of course I would not do that…

spirit said...

It's an ancient "rush"
That's why we have the phrase:

"society" reigns in those urges and asks us to think of the impact on the group.

in the "play" stage one thinks only of one's self; in the "game" stage one thinks of the place of his or her acts in the larger scheme of things.

Mr. Mysterious said...

I am a big fan of art. This is kind of art I get to see for free. No admission charges or anything.

chiquimonkey said...

Call it art or call it trash? I have seen some graffitti is great and some that is just not great at all. Then you just have the graffitti tag where people just leave their nicknames. I believe people do graffitti because I believe they think that is their carbon copy saying they exist or how what was done in their time. Wouldn't hieroglyphics be a form of art. from that we get a feel of what was around that time. peoples names are like handprints just letting the future know they were there. I am not saying that it is okay to tag. I am saying that I think it is just peoples way of saying I was here.