
Marraige and Society

I've started to wonder why theorists have not addressed marriage and it's impact on society. Our societies are made up of one type of animal, with two distinct behaviors. I general, couldn't we say that in order for both sexes to be truly happy, society would have to be designed and adapted to meet the specific needs of each sex. Marriage is a societal institution created by men, for men. Today's culture has made marriage into something that probably hinders more men than it helps. If there was super computer that could simulate the future of a society given certain factors, I wonder if the overall success of a society would be better without marriage. Given the emotional and financial strains marriage causes, I would bet society would be better without marriage. Marriage is an institution that goes against our very human nature. Societies should be built with institutions that allow individuals to flourish, not ones that suffocate them. Why do we worship marriage?


Yormom said...

I heard a teacher say the exact same thing that you said. Looking at evolution, and primate behavior, we are desinged and made to be "promiscuous" but that is all depending on your beliefs. Religion, I know for myself, is a big reason why marriage is upheld in this society.
But there are so many little things that can occur within a marriage or a life time to make or shape your opinion on marriage; to me it seems like you've seen bad experiences with marriage... in my eyes, it can have a controlling effect but it can have a lasting effect as well.

Perspective is crazy!

MT said...

Brave post, Madden Fan. Family is so sacred that few would venture into the territory you propose. To be alone-all one-following no convention and avoiding the family which has been the foundation of society since forever is a new way, an uncharted way.
The question is not how we are "designed." That is a specious question. It is: how do we adapt?
The way of adaptation has been the family way - and now for many that method of adaptation is changing. Some do not want families (or at least not yet) and some want new, alternative kinds of groupings and the right to call them families and to call what binds them "marriage."
Marriage is a way. Are we smart in our marriages? Often, not. But that does not mean the marriage form is broken - just that many of us do not use it well. Are we designed to be promiscuous? Promiscuity is an adaptation also. Are we designed to be short term thinkers or long term thinkers or some combination? The "I", the "me" and time form a triangle.