
Lifestyle Laws

The California Supreme Court upheld discrimination by not "legalizing" gay marriage. I'm really frustrated with the laws that we have in the U.S. that govern lifestyle choices. It is reasonable to say that people are uncomfortable with homosexual men getting married because of the type of sex they perform with each other? If marriage is good or society, why does the gender of the people getting married matter? They are being discriminated against because of their lifestyle.
It's legal for me to use a recreation drug (alcohol) that requires chemical processing and can kill me if I overdose. It's illegal for me to use a recreational drug (marijuana) that grows naturally and will only put me to sleep if I overdose.
Prostitution is another target of lifestyle regulation. If a women goes on a date, and the man pays for everything, and the women decides to have sex with the man that paid for everything, isn't she a prostitute? In popular culture, a women is viewed as a whore if she sleeps with a man who hasn't spent money on them.
Neighborhoods that regulate what color your house can be improves society how?
What and/or who are these laws suppose to protect society from? Society should have laws to protect life, not laws that attack how you live your own life.


MT said...

nice final sentence. society should have laws that protect life, not laws on how to live your life. Problem is people do not agree on "protect life." Politicis is not as simple as nice sentences - but nice sentence!

Soul Searcher said...

Madden, I completely agree with you. I think that people really don't understand what this decision means for everyone else. Essentially, the majority could vote to take away rights from anyone that they view "abnormal" or not deserving of rights. This California Supreme Court decision puts everyone at risk for having their rights stripped away. Anyone can be the next victim.