
Too Many People

Do you ever feel like there are just too many people in the world? We've been fortunate enough to out smart a lot of nature's population controls. I suppose a natural disaster here are there help to reduce human numbers if it's in a densely populated area. Could it be that excessive population hinders the ability of governments to balance the distribution of wealth? The excess waste that millions of unnecessary people produce is slowly choking the planet to death.
I'm not suggesting that people be killed, but I think it's time to regulate new births. Sterilization would work well. There is no doubt that the natural instincts to reproduce will always be there so birth control is the only solution. The family is the basic building block of any society. When a family core is not solid because too many children drain resources (time, money, attention) this will eventually cause the society to crumble because the substructure is flawed.
Life would be some much more productive with fewer people. Students would receive more instruction in class. People could get to work faster because there would be less traffic. There would be more jobs available, less pollution, and our nonrenewable resources would last longer. I can't think of social issues that could not be reduced or eliminated completely if there were fewer people.
We're all fighting for a piece of the pie, but we'd all get a bigger slice if there were fewer people reaching for one. We need a license to own certain animals, why not require one to own a human pup. Would it be wrong to deny birth licences to those who have genetic defects?


Soul Searcher said...

My first thought reading this posting is that the author is completely coo coo. I do not want the government to determine who and who is not fit to be parents, or deciding who to sterilize. This is a very slippery slope and once we go down this path, it is only a matter of time before the government gets involved in all aspects of our daily lives. This seems to be a borderline communist theory. I do agree that there are a lot of people in our country, but I'm sure we could come up with a better idea than this. I think that we could all have a fair share of the pie if we got rid of greedy people, find more sources of renewable energy, get rid of gas guzzlers like Hummers, and make more electric vehicles, for a starting point. Simple solutions like this would definitely help the planet. It sounds like you should move to China, I believe they have laws on the number of children a family can have. America is just not the country for you. I hope you find happiness in Communist China.

MT said...

Bingo in terms of the diagnosis: too many people. But watch out in terms of the "solution" - because people will fight to the death over that.
POPULATION: 6.5 billion now. When I was in school: 3 billion, so it DOUBLED just since then. Turn of the last century: 1 billion.
Same number craziness in finances: a couple of years ago we started talking about billions rather than millions. Now we speak of trillion. Check the "Links" page on my website to see the differences.

wait a min said...

No I don't think there are too many people in the world. There are some over crowded regions of the world because some people are pulled or attracted by opportunities in certain economic systems. Others are forced to stay in a certain area and live in a certain way by political dictators. Countries in Asia have been using methods of birth regulation like you propose.
However, we have to understand that most of the growth in population did not just happen naturally but also promoted by governments such as in China. In its early years of communism the government encouraged families to have six or more children. In three decades the population exploded by hundreds of millions. The population control policies did not come about until recent decades. There is no doubt that we've multiplied immensely in the past 50 yrs. However, I still believe there is enough space and resources in the world (including China) for people to live well. The responsibility lays on governments to correctly administer resources for its people. There is also a need for governments to educate people on population growth, birth control and family planning. Madden Fan the world is much bigger than you think. Your solutions sound selfish and exclusive to I don’t know who. How about we share the pie and not fight for it.

R85 said...

While I completely agree with educating the public about birth control and family planning, I'm completely against the government "regulating births". I really don't see how an American society could go about enforcing laws such as sterilizing babies at birth. Abortion is a hot topic on its own, adding this to the mix would be a recipe for disaster. There is no "solution" (the word reminds me of Hitler) that would please everyone, and would probably result in conflict regardless. The real problem isn't that there are too many people, we're just too disjointed and divided.

Junior said...

I agree with most of what the writer said. We are indeed over populated and we owe this to all the women who keep having tons of babies. I mean it would be wrong for the government to control us in that aspect but some really make us see that as a possibility. There are many parents out there who really shouldn't be parents. Nadya Suleman for example. Who the heck needs to have 14 kids?????? Seriously, raising a child is not an easy thing. I speak from experience and I really do think people should take parenting classes before even considering a baby. Also, there should be a limit to how many kids you can have. Some people have kids just to pay their rent and live off of the government, the more kids they have, the more money they get. I see where you're coming from, and even though to most this doesn't sound fair, I agree and wish more people thought that way.