
Marx Maniifesto

I wasn't able to find the first 5 blogs so I'm starting a new one. I found this quote interesting. "The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie."
I use to think since the President of the U.S. was elected by the people, that the President would represent the voice of the people as a whole. When the second president Bush was elected, it started to make me feel as if I was in a monarchy. How could it be the son a former president is the best choice to also become President in a country with such a large population? Learning about how lobbyist operate lead me to believe that political leaders are only concerned with the interests of a few.
The quote is similar to a realization I made myself after contemplating these observations. It seems as if the common man is given an opportunity to vote in order to make them feel as if they are a relevant part of how the government controls them, even though the common man is powerless.

1 comment:

MT said...

you are pointing out how ideology is used to manipulate and control people rather than the notion that ideas are ... ideas about "reality." Under Marxian thought, all ideas are traceable to the economic position of the one who espouses them.