

What is love really?? What's the difference between being "in-love" with someone vs. you "love" someone?

Love can be broken down in many different meanings and expressions. What do people first think when they hear the word LOVE? Is it the face of their lover, their crush, their family, their life, their job, their pet? I mean, really, what is really love?

Let me tell you what i personally think, i think the word LOVE is overrated. Don't you agree? The word love has been commonly used among people. The strong three words "I LOVE YOU" supposed to be this sacred word to say to someone you truely love right? or no?... My first "I love you" was to my parents and i slowly started to say it to my dog and relatives because i was told not to say "I LOVE YOU" unless you truely mean it so i have not said those words to any of my lovers...

has that beautiful phrase lost its meaning?

Recently, my friends and my girlfriends say "I LOVE YOU" to each other all the time like its water.. I hear it quite often among my group of friends and others.. I usually hear it when people are quite drunk..why do people tend to express themselves with these words while being under the influence? is it really their true feelings or just an expression of word to make someone feel love and special, or just saying it to SAY it?

Love can not be explain into words but should be express through actions. Love should be felt and remembered. It should make you feel GOOD. Love shouldn't loose its' meaning. Love is a like medicine to all wounds. Everyone wants love and be loved but what is it really?


MARPE said...

I agree the word love is overrated. I am the type of person that is not reluctant to say that word however I have been told by my daughter and boyfriend that I would use it too often and it will lose meaning. My daughter told me “it’s not like I’m going to forget” it tickled me when she said it so now I wait till she tells me its so meaningful when she tells me because its once in blue moon that she tells me unexpectedly which just makes me feel joy. (its feel good medicine)
When it comes to my boyfriend he tells me the words “I love you” sound so Hollywood so we decided to make up or own word to replace the word love and we use it once in while. It works and makes me feel so good (I got that idea from Ms.Tabor and her story about her friends Thanks :)
And yes Actions speak louder than words.

sda307 said...

I haven't used that word in a very long time except when it comes to my family and a close friend or two. I haven't said that to anyone else since I broke up with my ex almost a year ago. I don't know how I feel about potentially saying that to some one else. I mean how do I know if I truly love that person or is it just an infatuation. Also, how quickly am I suppose to feel that way? I was talking to a friend and she was upset that her man hasnt said it yet and they have been dating 7 months. She felt like saying it but was waiting for him to say it first. People just need to focus on themselves and building a strong relationship instead of focusing on those three words.

Yummy Cookies said...

I agree with sda, aside from my family, love is a word I do not incorporate in my everyday vocabulary. To me, love is something that just does not happen overnight, so why throw the word around essentially degrading the meaning. Based on my understanding of love and how I see it and feel it within my family and my close close friends, I KNOW that love exists. Going with what sda said once more, I feel now if I wish to find love outside of the realm of my family and my close friends I must focus on building a strong relationship with somebody I see as being special and vice versa instead of merely hoping that what I have is LOVE.

MT said...

Marpe: "Moo" to you!
Like so many things, Love has become a noun instead of a verb. Love is a verb. It is something you DO, not a STATE you are IN.
Love is an action.
When we say, "I love you" as a rush, as an action, as a discovery, it is very different from when we say "I love you" as a bargaining chip, a prison, a threat.
LOVE IS AN ACTION: It is something you DO. And, as an action, it always WORKS. (Natural law.)

Berik said...

You're right, we use the word LOVE for everything. I love the color blue, my dog, that song, my car, my friend..... The word love has lost it's meaning. When someone tells me I love you I don't feel special, it means nothing to me. I rather have someone say Te Amo or Te Quiero. It is more meningful :) and it sound romantic. ;]

enoc09 said...

Let me say that when I person uses "love" you better mean it!!! In the Spanish language, Love has a more deeper meaning. For example,

¡Te amo! = I love you! (Very Serious)

¡Cada día te quiero más que ayer y menos que mañana!.
I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.

Te quiero
I love you = I like you! (This is what Americans use on a daily basis to express their love and this form of love is what cheapens the true meaning of what love is!!!!!)

But I tried my best to state what love is by using Spanish and translating it to English and I got this:


Tardé una hora en conocerte y sólo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida poder olvidarte.


It took me an hour to know you and only a day to fall in love. But it will take me a lifetime to be able to forget you.

Basically, because the English language states the definition of love so general, that is the reason why it loses its meaning. So, because of that, the only way to show your love without using the word is to demonstrate it. Like some else stated on this blog “Actions speak louder than words”.

So, I would like the people in class this week to demonstrate their love without stating it to a love one!!! Good Luck!!!!

Ms Ashley said...

Love is whatever you make it to be. There is no right or wrong answer. So many years I have heard older women tell younger ones " Oh you dont know what love is" and I would always sit back and wonder why is that they all seem to know love so well and are divorced or have never been married. So after all these years I was afraid to claim that I loved a guy because I was too young to know what love was. When if these older women truly knew more they would still be in love with the same people and would not be in their forties and fifties still looking for it. I have come to the conclusion that love is what you make it and you will not love the same each time but that does not mean that you do not know what it is or that it is not there. Its what you perceive to be. You may break up with a person or divorce some times you can go from loving a person so strong to not wanting to be around them but I bet deep down you know that through it all you still love that person because love is feeling that does not easily vanish.