
Online Gaming Society 2

A couple of days ago I got in an argument with a friend. The argument was about my hobby. I have many hobbies but one in particular I have, which upset my friend and went as far as calling me a child for having this hobby, the hobby is gaming. Yes, by gaming I mean video games. For my point of view gaming has evolved. In just this past decade gaming has gone mainstream meaning that individuals ranging for any age, race, and socioeconomic plays video games in any media via pc, console, or the biggest Internet. As we can see that the gaming has evolved from just targeting children to targeting older individuals. Individuals who are older use the Internet at work or at home when they are bored or leisure time to find websites like Shock Wave, Pop Cap, and many other web site that focus on casual gaming. The best way to express how gaming has evolved is by showing how this industry is target their consumer

Internet websites are first to beginning with Shock Wave and Pop Cap which are website who target individual’s form 10 through 35 years old with casual games. These games are puzzles, number games, word games, board games, and arcade games. These games are aim for the causal gamers. Now lets focus on console and personal computer (PC) games these are for true gamers. These formats have much more to offer like Real Time Strategy games (RTS), Role Playing games (RPG’s), and Massive Multiplayer Online games (MMO’s). All these types of games offer more in visuals, graphics, sound, and much more and are amid for the more serious gamers. As PC games target individuals ranging from 12 through 35 years of age with these types of games. On the other hand console game is where the major industry is. In just the past four years or so there has been term thrown out there by major business gurus as the “console wars”. The console wars are between Nintendo’s Wii, which targets everyone young to old, Sony’s Playstation 3, which has specifically targeted age groups between 12 through 25 years old, and Microsoft’s Xbox 360, which targets 18 through 35 years olds. PC, Internet, and consoles have made gaming mainstream and evolve.

The biggest evolution of gaming is the online multiplayer mode that is offered to gamers. Online gaming has created small societies in these games. For example Microsoft’s Xbox 360 offers Xbox live where you are able to make friends, communicate friends, and still play games while you play a game or play the same game with a friend or a random stranger. Yet Sony’s Playstation 3 is offering there version of Xbox live called Playstation Network (PSN). Nintendo is also offering the same type of network to there gamers. These forums create small societies that are rule based. For example Durkheim expressed that rules are the glue that holds societies. Just like societies these networks (Xbox Live, PSN, and Nintendo network) have rules to help individual integrate into this society. Further one can say that when an individual breaks a norm society sanction that individual, so that individual can be integrated back into society. Just like society these network have codes of conduct when you brake a gaming norm the gaming society sanctions you and tries to help you integrate you back into the gaming society.

One can sociologically brake down the gaming society even more. Durkheim gives us division of labor from where he names two types of societies mechanical and organic. With these two types of societies one can explore and define online societies. For example massively multiplayer online role-playing games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy and many more where large number of players interact with one another in a virtual world can be considered a mechanical societies. In these games the development of the player's character is a primary goal. One cannot achieve this goal without other individuals that participate in these virtue communities, which are self-sufficient and knit together so one can develop their character and improve their virtual society. So these games are similar to Durkheim’s mechanical societies. On other hand Real Time Strategy games like Gears Of War, Halo, Bad Company, Grand Theft Auto, Mass Affect, and many more are what Durkheim would call organic society. These games focus are not in development of characters where they help virtual society grow but one chooses characters with specialized duties. These specialized duties would create what Durkheim calls organic solidarity. Having specialized duties where player would rely on each other to finish this game. Games like Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War and many more have online modes where individuals come in groups where they choose specialized characters for example on Call of Duty on need choose a sniper because one might not be able to win without that specific character or in Mass Effect where choosing the character a specific character is vital for the true growth of the virtual world.

As told my friend that gaming has evolve from just one playing by themselves to playing with a whole community, which would make a virtual society and yes the rules that holds this virtual and the same rules that holds a real society. Because individuals bring their own values and norms into this virtue world making it a society and who best to describe this virtual society best to my fiend but Durkheim

1 comment:

sky said...

really interesting!
good notes for a paper you could publish somewhere
look for where "anomie" takes place
look for the four types of "suicides"

did your friend read your post?