



Aida said...

what do you mean by given? Like do our parents give it to us? I think it is tried to be given and passed down onto the next generation. But with so much influence from outside norms,I think it is very difficult to totally have that ONE beleif you are raised in and taught. I was raised a Catholic, but always questioned the Bible and its stories on the prophets. As soon as I heard about the notion of human evolution I thought that made much more sense! So now, I dont know what religion I would classify myself in. I do beleive in a stronger being, without a doubt. But as for all the biblical stories, I don't.

Adelabella said...

I dont think religion is given... I think it is learned... but it is up to us whether we choose to study it or not.

DreamWalker936 said...

Not sure I understand the question the way it's worded. Is it given to us as in taught to us? I believe it is taught to us yes, but at the same time it's one of the commonalities that form across cultures over time. If our brain enables us to remember things that happens and patterns in the universe, then a belief in something greater would eventually develop.

dbo said...

I believe our parents try to pass their religion onto us, but as we become adults we tend to change our perspective on religion. I was also raised a Catholic, however; I don't practice or believe most of their beliefs. As I grew up, I came to the conclusion that I rather not practice any religion.

Joey and/or Mary said...

I believe that Culture, not religion, is given and that the strength of the ties that one has to their culture is what determines the influence of religion on the person.